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Rhythmical manipulation circus act. Two small plastic balls, attached to strings are swung through the air while beating a rhythm on the floor.
Sarah is a Guinness World Records Holder in that discipline.
Percutant Argentinian drum rhythms act that mixes agile movements and dance. Unique and percutant. Great for starting a show or to create in impact.
Options : Acapella, on music.
Solo, duo or trio
Floor act on music or animation improvisations with dj. Ground Based Rotating Hoop acrobatics and dance. Great for venues that do not have aerial points or outdoor.
Inspired by the aerial hoop.
Experience the heat of fire performance art.
Pyrotechnician certificied by the Governement of Canada and insured
11 props : Pois, levitation, Dragon staff, fans, hula hoop, Arm/body torch, cube, whip, jumping rope, buugeng, nunchaku
A WOW experience. Upload your logo.
6 props : LED pois, Levitation stick, Dragon staff, Buugeng, Luminous Wings, Whip

Dance of all types : Ballet, contemporary, hip hop, and percussive dances. Canadian jig is the national tap dance of Canada (20 years experience).
Singer Songwriter - Back vocalist
Appeared in hundreds of TV shows, movies, and commercials in Quebec and Australia. Portray characters for shows.